RAF Brize Norton Range Report

20210128-Letter to Brize Norton Parish Council


20200504-ANNEX H TO DAM

Ltr to RAFBN re erection of new radar tower Jan 2021

20210526-LCWG Minutes 25 May 2021

Good afternoon,

I hope this email finds you well?

We would like to give you an update following the Station Road Traffic Light Failure on Tues 17 June, please see the explanation below:

At approximately 0730 on Tue 17 June the entire Brize Norton airfield lighting system failed. The system is designed to fail into a safe condition, unfortunately this means that all of the airfield traffic lights, and the Station Road traffic lights change to red. This is done to ensure that any aircraft making an approach, as the failure happens, will still have a sterile runway to land on. Air Traffic Control (ATC) immediately received an alert that the system had failed and called out the airfield electrician to get the system back online. Thames Valley Police were alerted to provide traffic control measures on Station Road whilst we worked to rectify the problem. The airfield electrician identified that an immediate fix was not possible. Considering this and to allow the traffic to start moving again the lights were manually reset to allow traffic to flow again. We do completely understand the problems that can be caused when the Station Road lights are on red for extended periods of time. Hopefully, you have noticed the lights are on red for less time following our discussion at the LCWG.  In this instance we endeavoured to get the lights reset as soon as we were able.  Regrettably, this did take about an hour for which we can only apologise.  

We hope this will help explain the situation and once again apologise for the inconvenience.  Thank you for your continued support and understanding. 

Kind regards, 

Media & Communications Office
Media Office | RAF Brize Norton | Carterton | OX18 3LX | Email: BZN-LCWG-Multi@Mod.gov.uk Online: Website

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