We are hoping to receive our Community Broadband Connection for Free again this year!
We will keep you up to date, if you’d like to see more information go to: www.gigaclear.com


Flooding update

Note from Oxfordshire County Council

Following a period of heavy rain across the county, we are currently in a position of.

  • 7 Flood Warnings
  • 20 Flood Alerts

It is forecast that we will see more rain over the coming days and likely more flooding impacts.

Please find attached a flood briefing note with useful advice, links and contact numbers for support.

Flood Briefing Note






NOTICE is given that Oxfordshire County Council proposes to make the above order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling powers. The effect of the order – in support of road safety – is to amend the existing 20mph speed limit in Brize Norton that was implemented in March 2023, so as to include all roads within the ‘Brize Meadow’ residential development, leading out to the following points:

1. Bellenger Way – its junction with the B4477 Monahan Way,

2. Miles Drive – its junction with the B4477 Monahan Way.

The Oxfordshire County Council (Brize Norton Parish) (Speed Limits) Order 2023 will be revoked/replaced as necessary.

Documents giving more details of the proposals are available for public inspection online by visiting: https://letstalk.oxfordshire.gov.uk Copies may be made available on request.

Objections to the proposals and other representations specifying the grounds on which they are made may be sent in writing to the address below by the end of 05 July 2024. The Council will consider objections and representations received in response to this Notice. They may be disseminated widely for these purposes and made available to the public.

Traffic Regulation Order & Schemes (Ref: CM/12.6.143) for the Director for Environment & Place, Oxfordshire County Council, County Hall, New Road, Oxford, OX1 1ND. (Email: christian.mauz@oxfordshire.gov.uk, Telephone: 0345 310 1111)


Parish Councillor Vacancy

There is currently a vacancy on the Parish Council for a new Councillor who can be co-opted onto the council – a quick and easy process.

For co-option all you need to do is send an introductory letter or email of application to the Parish Clerk, which should contain some personal and background information to demonstrate that you have an interest in local matters, along with reasons why you wish to become a councillor and what you think you would contribute to the Parish Council.

No specialist skills are required apart from an interest in Local issues, a desire to contribute to the community and a few spare hours a week.

Co-option process

Good Councillors Guide

What Councils do

We are not going to change the world, but we can make a difference to the important day to day issues that add to the community and quality of life in Brize Norton.

You are also very welcome to come along to a Parish Council Meeting, or to talk to some of our serving Councillors and get a feel for what is involved. We will be pleased to see you.


What do we do?

Brize Norton Parish Council own and maintain the recreation ground, tennis court, two play areas (one at the recreation ground and one at Brize Meadow (including a MUGA), pavilion building, Elder Bank Hall and is the landlord of the Allotments on Station Road
We are in the process of finalising our Neighbourhood Plan
We are consulted on all planning applications in the Parish
We maintain 2 public defibrillators in the parish
We supply equipment for the Litter picks
We maintain the War memorial
We work with the District and County Cllrs to make sure services are maintained

Could you be a Councillor?

Any person 18 years of age and older who is a local government elector, lives or works in the parish or lives within three miles of the area of the Local Council can be elected or co-opted onto the council.

For further details please contact the clerk, clerk@brizenortonparishcouncil.co.uk



• Results of Police and Crime Commissioner Election | Thursday 2nd May 2024 •


🚲. ❤️ 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝘽𝙞𝙘𝙮𝙘𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙖𝙘𝙠 ❤️ 🚴‍♀️ 🚴‍♀️ 🚴 🚴🏽‍♂️

Brize Norton Parish Council is happy to announce that the bicycle rack, is now installed at the recreation ground for all cyclists to use.
Our thanks to Gentian Developments and Oxfordshire County Council for the funding.

Notice of Election for the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections scheduled for 2 May 2024

Original notice

More information: https://www.westberks.gov.uk/pcc-election-2024




Gigaclear Community Hub!

Just to let you know, we are re-applying for our Community Hub at Brize Norton Pavilion to be powered by Gigaclear once again. We will let you know in the coming weeks how we get on!

For further info, go to www.gigaclear.com
Thank you!





We’re looking for more foster carers in Oxfordshire to provide a safe and secure home to a child when they are unable to live with their parents. It may be for a short period of time, or they may stay with a foster family long term.


The dedicated website explains the steps www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/residents/children-education-and-families/fostering


Our foster carers receive:

A welcome payment of £1,500
Generous fees, paid in addition to the child’s allowance.
Dedicated social worker support.
Access to professionals, support groups and specialised training.


If you feel you could be a foster carer, please register your details here to find out more





Oxfordshire School Aged Immmunisation Service

Free service supports thousands of residents in Oxfordshire with their home energy.

Better Housing Better Health

Residents in Oxfordshire can benefit from the advice and support of Better Housing Better Health , a service that helps those worrying about their home energy to create warmer, healthier and happier homes.  Last year, through the service’s free helpline and their free home visit service (BHBH+) – their team of trained advisors helped over 2500 residents with the aim this year to help even more.

The service can help:

  • Residents who are finding it hard to understand energy bills, pay for fuel or read meters
  • Access funding to replace old and broken heating systems
  • Access funding for insulation measures
  • Reduce damp, condensation and mould by better ways of managing a home
  • Understand and programme heating controls
  • Making onward referrals to additional support services, such as Benefits advice and debt support
  • For some residents they may be eligible for additional heating support depending on their situation

To speak to the friendly team, call 0800 107 0044 or visit www.bhbh.org.uk and complete the online referral form or find our e-mail address.



West Oxfordshire District residents will need photo

ID to vote at local elections 

For the first time, residents in West Oxfordshire District will need to show photographic ID to vote in person at this year’s local elections
Residents are being urged to make sure they are ready to vote in May by checking they have an accepted form of ID.

Accepted forms of ID include a UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonwealth passport; a UK, EEA or Commonwealth drivers’ licence; and some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person’s bus pass. Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo and the name on the ID should be the same name as appears on the Electoral Register.

Anyone who does not have one of the accepted forms of ID will be able to apply for free ID online at https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate or by completing a paper form which is available from the Council.

More information is available on the West Oxfordshire District Council website, including details of how to apply for the free ID. Anyone not able to visit the Council website, or apply for a Voter Authority Certificate online, is being encouraged to contact the Council as soon as possible and no later than the 5pm deadline on Wednesday 25 April.

Giles Hughes, Returning Officer for West Oxfordshire District Council, said:

“Anyone voting at a polling station in England this May will need to show photo Identification to staff before they can be given their ballot paper(s). It’s important that everyone understands what types of ID they can use, and how to apply for free ID if they need it.

“With elections taking place in various areas in West Oxfordshire on 4 May 2023, it is important that those who want to vote make sure they are registered to vote and have an accepted form of ID. It may seem early but checking now means you will be ready to vote in May.

“Residents who do not have one of the accepted forms of ID  can apply for free ID either online or by completing a paper application form which is available at our Woodgreen office or by calling us at 01993 861410. If you need any help with applying for the free ID, or want to request an application form, contact our electoral services team on 01993 861410.”

Anyone who wants to have their say in the elections this May must also be registered to vote. If you aren’t already registered it only takes five minutes to register online at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote. Voters wishing to apply to their council for free ID should first make sure they are registered to vote.

The requirement to show photo ID at the polling station, is a new requirement, introduced by the UK Government’s Elections Act which was passed last year and comes into effect for the first time this May.

The changes do not affect postal votes but do affect proxy voters who will be required to show their own valid ID when voting on behalf of someone else.


Cost of living support

As the temperatures begin to drop, more people will inevitably struggle to afford to heat their homes and buy enough food.

If you would like to know more:- click to view the leaflet. This leaflet includes helpful advice for you or someone you know, on how to get support as well as checking the financial options that are available to you.








School Entry – Important information

As part of the application process for Reception entry to infant and primary school, we are advertising the need for parents and carers of children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 to apply for a school place.
If any parents or carers have any questions, they should be directed to the primary application web page which has all the information they need plus a link to the online application form: www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/primaryadmissions
The School Admissions Team can be contacted direct on 0345 241 2487 or at admissions.schools@oxfordshire.gov.uk if applicants require any further help.
The deadline for receipt of completed school applications for Reception is 15 January 2023.



Cost of living support poster

Help with rising living costs

The best place to go to get help if you’re concerned about how to pay for everyday cost is your local library, in this case Witney or Carterton. The team there will be able to point you in the right direction of how to get practical support and advice on money matters, housing, living costs and mental health. They also have details of organisations you can get in touch with, websites you can go to as well as people you can talk to for further help.

All of the above information is also available at www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/living and also includes links to a free benefits calculator, citizens advice, support from the NHS, how to find your local library and details of your local councils.




Updated Emergency Guidance Sheet from RAF Brize Norton
Please see below for a letter from RAF Brize Norton’s Station Commander and Emergency Instructions Guidance for your information.

Consultation – West Oxfordshire District Council: YOUR VOICE MATTERS

The purpose of the consultation is for you to have an early say on what key issues you think the new Council Plan and Local Plan should focus on, and what sort of organisation you would like the Council to be.
This will make sure that as our plans, priorities and actions are developed, they address the issues of most importance to our local residents, communities, businesses and organisations.
The consultation is open for you to comment until Wednesday 21 September 2022.

To participate, please click this link: https://yourvoicecounts.commonplace.is/?utm_campaign=project_news&utm_source=cp-email&utm_medium=email

Smiths of Bletchingdon – Public Consultation

Members of the public are encouraged to read and complete this consultation document.

Smiths Bletchington – Public Consultation

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY! Full details of both events are in the current issue (174) of Brize Norton Parish Councils Newsletter 

We would also like to thank the following, for their generous support of our Village Bash event!

Bloor Homes (www.bloorhomes.com)

Chancellors (www.chancellors.co.uk)

Gentian Development (www.gentiandevelopment.com)

ideal carehomes (www.idealcarehomes.co.uk)



Gentian and Brize Norton Community Grants

Gentian Community Grants for the Parish of Brize Norton

Gentian Developments (www.gentiandevelopment.com) is the property developer of the new retail centre Brize Meadow Retail Developmenton Monahan Way forming part of the Brize Meadow development. The retail centre consists of a new Mid Counties Co-op convenience store and a bakery/coffee shop drive thru.

Gentian Developments actively supports the local community in the vicinity of its new developments and is working with Brize Norton Parish Council to offer grants for the benefit of Brize Norton residents. Local charities, community groups, sports teams, schools and educational establishments are invited to apply and grants will be awarded to a maximum of £2,000.

Apply now online here or download the paper application form here

Applications should be made directly to Gentian Developments, the application process closes at 5pm on Friday 30 September 2022.

Good luck with your application!

More on this news story: https://www.gentiandevelopment.com/news/construction-underway-brize-norton-and-community-grant-scheme-open/

Kilkenny Lane Country Park - Volunteers needed

Message from Trading Standards

Residents are being warned to be cautious of cold callers impersonating Local Authority / Council officers in the Oxfordshire area.
All council officers should have an ID badge available and be more than happy to show it when asked.
If concerned, you can contact the council to verify the name of the council officer.

Residents should also be aware of cold callers picking up scrap metal from properties. All scrap metal collectors must have a scrap metal licence for the local district they are collecting in. Scrap metal collectors must also have a Waste Carrier’s Licence (issued by the Environment Agency). Both of these licences can easily be produced when requested, so if there’s any queries, do not engage with the collector.

Oxfordshire County Council
Graham Hill House, Electric Avenue, Ferry Hinksey Road, Oxford OX2 0BY
Tel: 01865 895999
Email tracking gif<hr />

Home library service by OCC

Library books to your door!

If you or someone you know are finding it difficult to get to the library, the Home Library Service can help!
Run by Oxfordshire County Council, the Home Library Service is completely free and delivers books and other library materials to hundreds of people across the county.
Friendly volunteers choose items you like and visit every three weeks to deliver and collect them.
The service is open to people who struggle to physically visit a library. It’s also available on a short-term basis after illness or hospitalisation, and to people with caring responsibilities.
Registering is easy, simply call your local library or the Home Library Service on 01865 810259 or email homelibraryservice@oxfordshire.gov.uk


March 2022 – Statement from Brize Norton Parish Council
Regarding recent concerns surrounding the closure of Station Road, Brize Norton, please see the two statements below.

  1. Statement re Station Road closure
  2. Statement re Advanced Warning Signs

Brize Norton Parish Council Bullying and Harassment Statement

 ‘We treat everyone with courtesy and respect and ask for the same in return. We ask that you treat your councillors and council staff courteously without violence, abuse or harassment.

Councillors and council staff have the right to carry out their civic duties and work without fear of being attacked or abused. Any behaviour whether that be verbal, physical or in writing, which causes either councillors or council staff to feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, or threatened, is totally unacceptable.

The zero tolerance policy includes abuse, aggression or threats made in person, over the telephone or in written communication, including on social media. The council considers threatening behaviour to be:

Attempted or actual aggressive, or physical actions made towards any councillor or member of staff.

The use of aggressive, or abusive language, (including raising of the voice, swearing, shouting or in writing) which threatens or intimidates councillors or council staff.’



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